Reference materials

Directory structure outside the chroot

Directory Meaning
/etc/pbuilderrc configuration file
/usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc Default configuration
/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz Default location pbuilder uses for base.tgz, the tar-ball containing a basic Debian installation with only the build-essential packages.
/var/cache/pbuilder/build/PID/ Default location pbuilder uses for chroot
/var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache Default location pbuilder will use as apt cache, to store deb packages required during pbuilder build.
/var/cache/pbuilder/ccache Default location pbuilder will use as cache location
/var/cache/pbuilder/result Default location pbuilder puts the deb files and other files created after build
/var/cache/pbuilder/pbuilder-umlre sult Default location pbuilder-user-mode-linux puts the deb files and other files created after build
/var/cache/pbuilder/pbuilder-mnt Default location pbuilder-user-mode-linux uses for mounting the COW file system, for chrooting.
/tmp pbuilder-user-mode-linux will mount tmpfs for work.
${HOME}/tmp/PID.cow pbuilder-user-mode-linux use this directory for location of COW file system.
${HOME}/uml-image pbuilder-user-mode-linux use this directory for user-mode-linux full disk image.

Table: Directory Structure outside the chroot

Directory structure inside the chroot

Directory Meaning
/etc/mtab symlink to /proc/mounts.
/tmp/buildd Default place used in pbuilder to place the Debian package to be processed. /tmp/buildd/packagename-version/ will be the root directory of the package being processed. HOME environment variable is set to this value inside chroot by pbuilder-buildpackage. --inputfile will place files here.
/runscript The script passed as an argument to pbuilder execute is passed on.
/tmp/hooks The location of hooks.
/var/cache/apt/archives pbuilder copies the content of this directory to and from the aptcache directory of outside chroot.
/var/cache/pbuilder/ccache pbuilder bind-mounts this directory for use by ccache.
/tmp/XXXX pbuilder-user-mode-linux uses a script in /tmp to bootstrap into user-mode-linux

Table: Directory Structure inside the chroot